서울대학교 응용물리연구소


IAP Seminar (High-performance control electronics for spin qubits)

2023-06-16l 조회수 384
일시 : 2023-06-22 10:30 ~ 11:30
연사 : Dr. Fabio Ansaloni (QDevil-Quantum machines)
담당 : Prof. Dohun Kim
장소 : 56-521


The small dimension of laterally defined quantum dots and their potential for massive foundry fabrication has made them one of the forefront runners in the quest of implementing large quantum processors. Larger and larger spin qubit arrays are becoming readily available and the need for stable, cold and fast control electronics is essential to harness the potential of these processors. The mission of QDevil and Quantum Machines is to enable scientists to unlock these capabilities with a seamless integration of human and machine operations.

In this talk I will report our current work in the spin qubit group at the Center for Quantum Devices, Copenhagen, where we are investigating spin qubit arrays in different platforms such as SiGe, GaAs and CMOS. In particular, I will discuss our recent results on universal qubit control of singlet-triplet GaAs devices via real-time Hamiltonian parameters estimation [1] as well as active learning of high-dimensional Coulomb blockade diamonds in CMOS devices [2,3].

[1] F. Berritta et al., Real time two-axis control of a spin qubit, work in preparation

[2] F. Ansaloni et al., Nature Communications 11, 1 (2021)

[3] A. Chatterjee et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 064040 (2022)