
IAP Seminar (Altermagnetism and Kinetomagnetism)

May 2, 2024l Hit 547
Date : May 27, 2024 16:00 ~ 17:00
Speaker : Sang-Wook Cheong(Rutgers Univ.)
Professor : Prof. Je Geun Park
Location : 56-521

Altermagnetism and Kinetomagnetism


Sang-Wook Cheong

Keck Center for Quantum Magnetism, Rutgers University, NJ, USA



Altermagnetism is introduced as a category of magnetic states with ‘collinear’ antiferromagnetic spins and alternating variations of local structures around spins in such a way that the symmetry allows typical ferromagnetic behaviors. Altermagnets exhibiting

ferromagnetic behaviors without any external perturbations (type-I) turn out to belong to the ferromagnetic point group. Other altermagnets (type-II and type-III) can have ferromagnetic behaviors only with external perturbations such as electric current or stress, which conserve parity-time-reversal (PT) symmetry. All types of altermagnets themselves have broken PT symmetry. The concept of altermagnetism can be extended to accommodate non-collinear spins and multiple local-structure variations. All these altermagnets are classified in terms of magnetic point groups.


Kinetomagnetism refers to magnetization induced by electric current, encompassing longitudinal or transverse effects and even- or odd-order effects. The precise relationship between Altermagnetism and Kinetomagnetism warrants exploration.


The intersection of Altermagnetism and Kinetomagnetism presents both opportunities and challenges in science and technology.




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  • [3] Cheong, S-W. and Huang F-T., Altermagnetism with Non-collinear Spins, npj Quantum Materials 9, 13 (2024).