Usage Guidelines

All equipment installed in the premises of the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), Seoul National University is shared equipment owned by the Institute, but is available only to the registered users to ensure stable operation of machines. Equipment use fees are levied to secure the maintenance and repair costs not covered by the government budget and to prevent unnecessary overuse due to free availability. For the use of some machines, supplementary fees proportional to the use duration are levied in addition to the registration fee. The income and expenditure accounts are managed according to the Seoul National University corporation accounting guidelines as receipts tied to expenses.
1. On-campus membership
  • User registration of postgraduate students, undergraduate students, and researchers is enabled with the completion of the membership registration of their respective main advisors (professors) as the members of their labs.
  • Please log in with your SNU portal ID and password.
  • User registration period: twice a year (spring semester: March to August; fall semester: September to February)
  • Please reserve the equipment use online and complete the logbook offline before and after use.
  • The user registration fee and supplementary equipment use fees are invoiced to your professor. In the event of nonpayment, you may not reserve the use or receive sample output data.
2. Off-campus membership
  • Please contact the laboratory manager and sign up for a membership.
  • Equipment use reservation is enabled after the administrator’s approval of your membership application.
  • Please reserve the equipment use online and complete the logbook offline before and after use.
  • You can use the reserved equipment and receive the sample output data after the confirmation of the payment of the user registration fee and supplementary equipment use fees.
3. Laboratory use rules
  • All users must learn how to use the machine before the first use (mandatory participation in the orientation and training sessions)
  • If there are concerns about poor equipment handling, use for unlawful purposes, or facility and equipment maintenance, the person in charge may decline or limit the use of equipment.
  • In case of damage to the Laboratory such as damage to the equipment incurred by improper handling or loss/theft of equipment due to reasons ascribable to the user, or damage to other users, the responsible user and the lab concerned shall be jointly liable for the restoration of the original state.
  • Since the logbook record is important for checking the equipment state, please do not fail to complete the logbook before and after using the equipment.
  • If abnormality or instability is observed while using a machine, please stop using it and notify the administrator of the event, leaving evidence with a snapshot.
  • Reservation change is possible until four hours prior to the reservation time. Once the reservation is confirmed, equipment use fee can be charged even if it has not been used.
  • Since it is a central library shared by all registered users, each user must properly dispose of waste. Items left in the room can be disposed of by the administrator.
4. Disciplinary measures for wrongful use
Decisions on disciplinary measures for wrongful use shall be made by the professor of the Institute responsible for equipment management pursuant to the relevant regulations. If decision-making as per regulations becomes difficult, decision can be made at the discretion of the Director taking account of the opinion of the Steering Committee.
In the event of objection to the disciplinary measure taken, the researcher concerned can file an appeal within one month with the consent of his/her main advisor. Upon receiving the appeal, the Steering Committee shall review it within one month, and the Director shall issue the final decision.
  • Unauthorized equipment use (using someone else’s pass, lending pass)
    A. First violation: one-month ban on access
    B.Recurrent violation: permanent ban on access
  • Hazardous equipment use (equipment damage/contamination, persistent noncompliance with or disregard of the administrator’s instructions, false record of use, use in excess of the reservation time, and other behaviors likely to seriously harm equipment or other users)
    A.First violation: warning
    B.Second violation: one-month ban on access
    C.Third violation: permanent ban on access
  • If additional non-user access to the Laboratory is necessary, the purpose and number of visitors must be notified to the administrator. Such additional access is allowed only in relation to education or sample referral (observation) involving a current user.
5. Query to the
- Clean Room : +82-2-882-8515,
- Low Temperature Facility and Sample Preparation Facility : +82-2-883-8516,
- Bio Room : +82-2-880-8515