
IAP Seminar(First-principles study of novel magnetic properties in strongly correlated materials)

June 10, 2024l Hit 248
Date : June 19, 2024 13:00 ~ 14:00
Speaker : Hyowon Park(University of lllinois at chicago)
Professor : Prof. Je Geun Park
Location : 23-317

First-principles study of novel magnetic properties in strongly correlated materials

Strongly correlated materials exhibit novel magnetism due to the complex coupling between their localized magnetic moments and neighboring electronic/magnetic degrees of freedom. First-principles studies of such materials have been challenging since the widely used density functional theory (DFT) method often fails to capture the strong correlation effect of magnetism. Here, I will show that advanced methods beyond DFT can be successfully applied to various novel magnetic materials capturing the strong correlation effect. First, I will discuss the microscopic origin of a large anomalous spin Hall effect measured in the CoNb3S6 compound, where Co ions are intercalated between NbS2 layers forming a triangular lattice [1]. The Berry curvature calculation based on the DFT+Hartree-Fock band structure can show that the non-coplanar antiferromagnetic spin ordering is crucial to produce such a large anomalous Hall conductivity [2]. Second, I will show that the leading magnetic instability of CoNb3S6 obtained from the spin susceptibility and Fermi surface calculations using dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) is consistent with the 3q magnetic structure as expected from the non-coplanar antiferromagnetic ordering [3]. Finally, I will discuss the dynamical fluctuation effect of DMFT on the correlated electronic structure of Na3Co2SbO6 [4], which has been suggested as a possible candidate to realize Kitaev spin liquid [5].




[1] N. J. Ghimire et al, Nature Communication 9, 3280 (2018)

[2] H. Park et al, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 024201 (2022)

[3] H. Park et al, Phys. Rev. B 109, 085110 (2024)

[4] N. Nguyen et al, manuscript in preparation

[5] H. Liu et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 047201 (2020)